Once you understand this fundamental concept in marketing, it will help you to better position your product. So many times businesses focus too much on what they are selling, and not the benefit to the consumer. A lipstick manufacturer's marketing department might fall into the trap of wanting to promote other benefits of their particular brand -- how many colors they make, the innovative tube or packaging, the longevity of the lipstick stain, the glossy finish, or the moisturizing nutrients added to the product. While each of these are benefits, to focus on any of those without realizing that you're selling the promise of hope to women would be a miss.
How can this message translate into your own marketing? If you're a realtor, are you focused on the square footage, the lot size, or the fact that the home boasts a huge island and stainless steel appliances in the kitchen, instead of what that means for a potential buyer's future lifestyle?
If you're a landscaper, are you more focused on the laundry list of services you provide (mowing, trimming, pruning, fertilizing, etc., rather than the emotional appeal your services provide to your customers in terms of having more time to relax and enjoy their outdoor spaces?
Think about the power emotion plays in your next advertisement or direct mail piece. Product benefits and statistics to back up your product add value, but they should be the supporting elements of a campaign and not the feature.
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